dependencies: readonly [];
    description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
    executed: OncePerFile;
    humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
    name: "parse";
    printer: {
        0: (<Input>(input: Input) => Input);
        2: {
            (value: any, replacer?: ((this: any, key: string, value: any) => any), space?: string | number): string;
            (value: any, replacer?: null | (string | number)[], space?: string | number): string;
        5: ((__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration) => string);
    processor: ((_results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<T>>);
    requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
} | {
    dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
    description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
    executed: OncePerFile;
    humanReadableName: "normalize";
    name: "normalize";
    printer: {
        0: (<Input>(input: Input) => Input);
        2: ((ast: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>) => string);
        3: ((ast: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>) => string);
        4: ((ast: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>) => string);
        5: ((ast: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration) => string);
    processor: ((results: {
        parse?: ParseStepOutput<string>;
    }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>);
    requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
} | {
    dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
    description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
    executed: OncePerFile;
    humanReadableName: "dataflow";
    name: "dataflow";
    printer: {
        0: (<Input>(input: Input) => Input);
        2: ((df: DataflowInformation) => string);
        3: ((df: DataflowInformation) => string);
        4: ((df: DataflowInformation) => string);
        5: ((df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration) => string);
    processor: ((results: {
        normalize?: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
    }, input: {
        parser?: Parser<KnownParserType>;
        request?: RParseRequests;
    }) => DataflowInformation);
    requiredInput: {};
}> = ...

The default pipeline for working with flowr, including the dataflow step, see the DEFAULT_NORMALIZE_PIPELINE for the pipeline without the dataflow step, and the DEFAULT_SLICE_AND_RECONSTRUCT_PIPELINE for the pipeline with slicing and reconstructing steps