interface FlowrConfigOptions {
    defaultEngine?: "r-shell" | "tree-sitter";
    engines: readonly EngineConfig[];
    ignoreSourceCalls: boolean;
    semantics: {
        environment: {
            overwriteBuiltIns: {
                definitions: BuiltInDefinitions;
                loadDefaults?: boolean;
    solver: {
        pointerTracking: boolean;
        resolveSource?: {
            dropPaths: DropPathsOption;
            ignoreCapitalization: boolean;
            inferWorkingDirectory: InferWorkingDirectory;
            searchPath: readonly string[];
        slicer?: { threshold?: number };
        variables: VariableResolve;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


UML class diagram of FlowrConfigOptions


defaultEngine?: "r-shell" | "tree-sitter"

The default engine to use for interacting with R code. If this is undefined, an arbitrary engine from engines will be used.

engines: readonly EngineConfig[]

The engines to use for interacting with R code. Currently, supports TreeSitterEngineConfig and RShellEngineConfig. An empty array means all available engines will be used.

ignoreSourceCalls: boolean

Whether source calls should be ignored, causing processSourceCall's behavior to be skipped

semantics: {
    environment: {
        overwriteBuiltIns: {
            definitions: BuiltInDefinitions;
            loadDefaults?: boolean;

Configure language semantics and how flowR handles them

Type declaration

  • Readonlyenvironment: {
        overwriteBuiltIns: {
            definitions: BuiltInDefinitions;
            loadDefaults?: boolean;

    Semantics regarding the handling of the environment

    • ReadonlyoverwriteBuiltIns: { definitions: BuiltInDefinitions; loadDefaults?: boolean }

      Do you want to overwrite (parts) of the builtin definition?

      • Readonlydefinitions: BuiltInDefinitions

        The definitions to load

      • Optional ReadonlyloadDefaults?: boolean

        Should the default configuration still be loaded?

solver: {
    pointerTracking: boolean;
    resolveSource?: {
        dropPaths: DropPathsOption;
        ignoreCapitalization: boolean;
        inferWorkingDirectory: InferWorkingDirectory;
        searchPath: readonly string[];
    slicer?: { threshold?: number };
    variables: VariableResolve;

How to resolve constants, constraints, cells, …

Type declaration

  • ReadonlypointerTracking: boolean

    Whether to track pointers in the dataflow graph, if not, the graph will be over-approximated wrt. containers and accesses

  • Optional ReadonlyresolveSource?: {
        dropPaths: DropPathsOption;
        ignoreCapitalization: boolean;
        inferWorkingDirectory: InferWorkingDirectory;
        searchPath: readonly string[];

    If lax source calls are active, flowR searches for sourced files much more freely, based on the configurations you give it. This option is only in effect if ignoreSourceCalls is set to false.

    • ReadonlydropPaths: DropPathsOption

      Allow to drop the first or all parts of the sourced path, if it is relative.

    • ReadonlyignoreCapitalization: boolean

      search for filenames matching in the lowercase

    • ReadonlyinferWorkingDirectory: InferWorkingDirectory

      try to infer the working directory from the main or any script to analyze.

    • ReadonlysearchPath: readonly string[]

      Additionally search in these paths

  • Optionalslicer?: { threshold?: number }

    The configuration for flowR's slicer

    • Optional Readonlythreshold?: number

      The maximum number of iterations to perform on a single function call during slicing

  • Readonlyvariables: VariableResolve

    How to resolve variables and their values