Configuration for the internal output collector used by the RShell The defaults are configured with DEFAULT_OUTPUT_COLLECTOR_CONFIGURATION

interface OutputCollectorConfiguration {
    automaticallyTrimOutput: boolean;
    from: OutputStreamSelector;
    keepPostamble: boolean;
    postamble: string;
    timeout: CollectorTimeout;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


UML class diagram of OutputCollectorConfiguration


automaticallyTrimOutput: boolean

automatically trim all lines in the output (useful to ignore trailing whitespace etc.)

the streams to use to collect the output from

keepPostamble: boolean

should the postamble be included in the result?

postamble: string

a string marker to signal that the command was executed successfully. must not appear as a standalone line in the output. this is our hacky way of ensuring that we are done.

internal timeout configuration to use (see CollectorTimeout)