if(<condition>) <then> [else <otherwise>]
interface RIfThenElse<Info = NoInfo> {
    condition: RNode<Info>;
    info: Info & Source;
    lexeme: string;
    location: SourceRange;
    otherwise?: RExpressionList<Info>;
    then: RExpressionList<Info>;
    type: IfThenElse;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


UML class diagram of RIfThenElse


condition: RNode<Info>
info: Info & Source

allows to attach additional information to the node

lexeme: string

the original string retrieved from R, can be used for further identification

location: SourceRange

The location may differ from what is stated in Source#fullRange as it represents the location identified by the R parser.


otherwise?: RExpressionList<Info>