• Type Parameters

    • SpecificQuery extends Query


    Returns ReturnType<
            "call-context": {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => boolean;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly CallContextQuery[],
                ) => CallContextQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            config: {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: unknown,
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => boolean;
                executor: (
                    _: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly ConfigQuery[],
                ) => ConfigQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            dataflow: {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly DataflowQuery[],
                ) => DataflowQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            "dataflow-cluster": {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly DataflowClusterQuery[],
                ) => DataflowClusterQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            "dataflow-lens": {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly DataflowLensQuery[],
                ) => DataflowLensQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            dependencies: {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    data: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly DependenciesQuery[],
                ) => DependenciesQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            "happens-before": {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly HappensBeforeQuery[],
                ) => HappensBeforeQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            "id-map": {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly IdMapQuery[],
                ) => IdMapQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            lineage: {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly LineageQuery[],
                ) => LineageQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            "location-map": {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: unknown,
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => boolean;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly LocationMapQuery[],
                ) => LocationMapQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            "normalized-ast": {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly NormalizedAstQuery[],
                ) => NormalizedAstQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            project: {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly ProjectQuery[],
                ) => ProjectQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            "resolve-value": {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly ResolveValueQuery[],
                ) => ResolveValueQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            search: {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly SearchQuery[],
                ) => SearchQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
            "static-slice": {
                asciiSummarizer: (
                    formatter: OutputFormatter,
                    _processed: PipelineOutput<
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [];
                                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                                name: "parse";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (_results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<(...)>;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                                name: "normalize";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                            | {
                                dependencies: readonly [(...)];
                                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                                executed: OncePerFile;
                                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                                name: "dataflow";
                                printer: { "0": ...; "2": ...; "3": ...; "4": ...; "5": ... };
                                processor: (results: ..., input: ...) => ...;
                                requiredInput: {};
                    queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
                    result: string[],
                ) => true;
                executor: (
                    __namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
                    queries: readonly StaticSliceQuery[],
                ) => StaticSliceQueryResult;
                schema: ObjectSchema<any>;