interface ProcessAllArgumentInput<OtherInfo> {
    args: readonly (
        | "<>"
        | RExpressionList<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RFunctionDefinition<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RNamedFunctionCall<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RUnnamedFunctionCall<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RParameter<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RArgument<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RComment<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RLineDirective<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RForLoop<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RRepeatLoop<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RWhileLoop<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RIfThenElse<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RNamedAccess<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RIndexAccess<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RUnaryOp<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RBinaryOp<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RSymbol<OtherInfo & ParentInformation, string>
        | RNumber<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RString<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RLogical<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RBreak<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RNext<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
        | RPipe<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>
    data: DataflowProcessorInformation<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>;
    finalGraph: DataflowGraph;
    forceArgs?: "all" | readonly boolean[];
    functionName: DataflowInformation;
    functionRootId: NodeId;
    markAsNSE?: readonly number[];
    patchData?: (
        data: DataflowProcessorInformation<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>,
        i: number,
    ) => DataflowProcessorInformation<OtherInfo & ParentInformation>;

Type Parameters

  • OtherInfo

Hierarchy (View Summary)


UML class diagram of ProcessAllArgumentInput


finalGraph: DataflowGraph
forceArgs?: "all" | readonly boolean[]

which of the arguments should be forced? this may be all, e.g., if the function itself is unknown on encounter

functionName: DataflowInformation
functionRootId: NodeId
markAsNSE?: readonly number[]

which arguments are to be marked as EdgeType#NonStandardEvaluation|non-standard-evaluation?