The type of what should be collected for the feature
descriptionA description of the feature
Values to start the existing track from
nameA descriptive, yet unique name of the feature
postIf present, this feature allows to post-process the results of the feature extraction (for the summarizer).
The extraction can use the output path to write files to, and should return the final output.
The root path to the feature directory which should contain all the files the feature can write to (already merged for every file processed)
The feature statistic maps each file name/context encountered to the feature information as well as the meta statistics for the file
The path to write the output to (besides what is collected in the output and meta information)
The configuration for the summarizer (e.g., to obtain the number of folders to skip for the feature root)
A function that retrieves the feature in the document appends it to the existing feature set (we could use a monoid :D), the filepath corresponds to the active file (if any)
A feature is something to be retrieved by the statistics.