Defines the filter for collecting all possible slicing criteria.


interface SlicingCriteriaFilter {
    collectAll: (root: RNodeWithParent) => NodeId[];
    maximumSize: number;
    minimumSize: number;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


UML class diagram of SlicingCriteriaFilter


collectAll: (root: RNodeWithParent) => NodeId[]

Function that determines the ids of all nodes that can be used as slicing criteria.

maximumSize: number

Inclusive maximum size of the slicing criteria (number of included slice points). Should be at least 1 to make sense (and of course at least minimum size).

Be really careful with this one, as the number of possible slicing criteria can grow exponentially with the maximum size.

minimumSize: number

Inclusive minimum size of the slicing criteria (number of included slice points). Should be at least 1 to make sense (and of course at most maximum size).