Similar to FileAnalysisResponseMessage this only contains the results of the slice steps.

interface SliceResponseMessage {
    id: undefined | string;
    results: Omit<
                | {
                    dependencies: readonly [];
                    description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                    executed: OncePerFile;
                    humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                    name: "parse";
                    printer: {
                        "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
                        "2": {
                                value: any,
                                replacer?: (this: any, key: string, value: any) => any,
                                space?: string | number,
                            ): string;
                                value: any,
                                replacer?: null | (string | number)[],
                                space?: string | number,
                            ): string;
                        "5": (
                            __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
                            config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
                        ) => string;
                    processor: (
                        _results: unknown,
                        input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
                    ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
                    requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
                | {
                    dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
                    description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                    executed: OncePerFile;
                    humanReadableName: "normalize";
                    name: "normalize";
                    printer: {
                        "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
                        "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
                        "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
                        "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
                        "5": (
                            ast: NormalizedAst,
                            config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
                        ) => string;
                    processor: (
                        results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<string> },
                        input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
                    ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
                    requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
                | {
                    dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
                    description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                    executed: OncePerFile;
                    humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                    name: "dataflow";
                    printer: {
                        "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
                        "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
                        "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
                        "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
                        "5": (
                            df: DataflowInformation,
                            config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
                        ) => string;
                    processor: (
                        results: {
                            normalize?: NormalizedAst<
                        input: { parser?: Parser<KnownParserType>; request?: RParseRequests },
                    ) => DataflowInformation;
                    requiredInput: {};
                | {
                    dependencies: readonly ["dataflow"];
                    description: "Calculate the actual static slice from the dataflow graph and the given slicing criteria";
                    executed: OncePerRequest;
                    humanReadableName: "static slice";
                    name: "slice";
                    printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input };
                    processor: (
                        results: {
                            dataflow?: DataflowInformation;
                            normalize?: NormalizedAst<
                        input: Partial<SliceRequiredInput>,
                    ) => Readonly<SliceResult>;
                    requiredInput: SliceRequiredInput;
                | {
                    dependencies: readonly ["slice"];
                    description: "Reconstruct R code from the static slice";
                    executed: OncePerRequest;
                    humanReadableName: "static code reconstruction";
                    name: "reconstruct";
                    printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input };
                    processor: (
                        results: {
                            normalize?: NormalizedAst<
                            slice?: SliceResult;
                        input: Partial<ReconstructRequiredInput>,
                    ) => ReconstructionResult;
                    requiredInput: ReconstructRequiredInput;
        | "parse"
        | "normalize",
    type: "response-slice";

Hierarchy (View Summary)


UML class diagram of SliceResponseMessage



id: undefined | string

The id that links a request with its responses, it is up to the calling client to make sure it is unique. However, the client does not have to pass the id if it does not need to link the request with its response. The id is always undefined if the message is unprompted (e.g., with hello) or the id unknown.

results: Omit<
            | {
                dependencies: readonly [];
                description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
                executed: OncePerFile;
                humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
                name: "parse";
                printer: {
                    "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
                    "2": {
                            value: any,
                            replacer?: (this: any, key: string, value: any) => any,
                            space?: string | number,
                        ): string;
                            value: any,
                            replacer?: null | (string | number)[],
                            space?: string | number,
                        ): string;
                    "5": (
                        __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
                        config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
                    ) => string;
                processor: (
                    _results: unknown,
                    input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
                ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
                requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
            | {
                dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
                description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
                executed: OncePerFile;
                humanReadableName: "normalize";
                name: "normalize";
                printer: {
                    "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
                    "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
                    "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
                    "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
                    "5": (
                        ast: NormalizedAst,
                        config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
                    ) => string;
                processor: (
                    results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<string> },
                    input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
                ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
                requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
            | {
                dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
                description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
                executed: OncePerFile;
                humanReadableName: "dataflow";
                name: "dataflow";
                printer: {
                    "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
                    "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
                    "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
                    "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
                    "5": (
                        df: DataflowInformation,
                        config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
                    ) => string;
                processor: (
                    results: {
                        normalize?: NormalizedAst<
                    input: { parser?: Parser<KnownParserType>; request?: RParseRequests },
                ) => DataflowInformation;
                requiredInput: {};
            | {
                dependencies: readonly ["dataflow"];
                description: "Calculate the actual static slice from the dataflow graph and the given slicing criteria";
                executed: OncePerRequest;
                humanReadableName: "static slice";
                name: "slice";
                printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input };
                processor: (
                    results: {
                        dataflow?: DataflowInformation;
                        normalize?: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
                    input: Partial<SliceRequiredInput>,
                ) => Readonly<SliceResult>;
                requiredInput: SliceRequiredInput;
            | {
                dependencies: readonly ["slice"];
                description: "Reconstruct R code from the static slice";
                executed: OncePerRequest;
                humanReadableName: "static code reconstruction";
                name: "reconstruct";
                printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input };
                processor: (
                    results: {
                        normalize?: NormalizedAst<
                        slice?: SliceResult;
                    input: Partial<ReconstructRequiredInput>,
                ) => ReconstructionResult;
                requiredInput: ReconstructRequiredInput;
    | "parse"
    | "normalize",

only contains the results of the slice steps to not repeat ourselves

type: "response-slice"

The at this time unknown type