Holds a list of expressions (and hence may be the root of an AST, summarizing all expressions in a file). The grouping property holds information on if the expression list is structural or created by a wrapper like {} or ().

interface RExpressionList<Info = NoInfo> {
    children: readonly RNode<Info>[];
        | undefined
        | [start: RSymbol<Info, string>, end: RSymbol<Info, string>];
    info: Info & Source;
    lexeme: undefined | string;
    location?: SourceRange;
    type: ExpressionList;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


UML class diagram of RExpressionList


children: readonly RNode<Info>[]
grouping: undefined | [start: RSymbol<Info, string>, end: RSymbol<Info, string>]

encodes wrappers like {} or ()

info: Info & Source

allows to attach additional information to the node

lexeme: undefined | string

the original string retrieved from R, can be used for further identification

location?: SourceRange

The location may differ from what is stated in Source#fullRange as it represents the location identified by the R parser.
