Variable SupportedQueriesConst
SupportedQueries: { "call-context": { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => boolean; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly CallContextQuery[], ) => CallContextQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; config: { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: unknown, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => boolean; executor: ( _: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly ConfigQuery[], ) => ConfigQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; dataflow: { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly DataflowQuery[], ) => DataflowQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; "dataflow-cluster": { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly DataflowClusterQuery[], ) => DataflowClusterQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; "dataflow-lens": { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly DataflowLensQuery[], ) => DataflowLensQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; dependencies: { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( data: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly DependenciesQuery[], ) => DependenciesQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; "happens-before": { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly HappensBeforeQuery[], ) => HappensBeforeQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; "id-map": { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly IdMapQuery[], ) => IdMapQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; lineage: { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly LineageQuery[], ) => LineageQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; "location-map": { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: unknown, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => boolean; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly LocationMapQuery[], ) => LocationMapQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; "normalized-ast": { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly NormalizedAstQuery[], ) => NormalizedAstQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; project: { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly ProjectQuery[], ) => ProjectQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; "resolve-value": { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly ResolveValueQuery[], ) => ResolveValueQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; search: { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly SearchQuery[], ) => SearchQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; }; "static-slice": { asciiSummarizer: ( formatter: OutputFormatter, _processed: PipelineOutput< Pipeline< | { dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": { ( value: any, replacer?: (this: ...
, key: ...
, value: ...
) => ...
, space?: string | number, ): string; ( value: any, replacer?: null | (...)
[], space?: string | number, ): string; }; "5": ( __namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( _results: unknown, input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>, ) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>; requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string; "5": ( ast: NormalizedAst, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)
> }, input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>, ) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>; requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { "0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input; "2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string; "5": ( df: DataflowInformation, config: QuadSerializationConfiguration, ) => string; }; processor: ( results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...)
, (...)
> }, input: { parser?: Parser<(...)
>; request?: RParseRequests }, ) => DataflowInformation; requiredInput: {}; }, >, >, queryResults: BaseQueryResult, result: string[], ) => true; executor: ( __namedParameters: BasicQueryData, queries: readonly StaticSliceQuery[], ) => StaticSliceQueryResult; schema: ObjectSchema<any>; };} = ... Type declaration
call-context: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => boolean;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly CallContextQuery[],
) => CallContextQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => boolean
schema: ObjectSchema<any>
config: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: unknown,
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => boolean;
executor: (
_: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly ConfigQuery[],
) => ConfigQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
dataflow: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly DataflowQuery[],
) => DataflowQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
dataflow-cluster: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly DataflowClusterQuery[],
) => DataflowClusterQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
dataflow-lens: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly DataflowLensQuery[],
) => DataflowLensQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
dependencies: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
data: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly DependenciesQuery[],
) => DependenciesQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
happens-before: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly HappensBeforeQuery[],
) => HappensBeforeQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
id-map: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly IdMapQuery[],
) => IdMapQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
lineage: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly LineageQuery[],
) => LineageQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
location-map: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: unknown,
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => boolean;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly LocationMapQuery[],
) => LocationMapQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
normalized-ast: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly NormalizedAstQuery[],
) => NormalizedAstQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
project: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly ProjectQuery[],
) => ProjectQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
resolve-value: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly ResolveValueQuery[],
) => ResolveValueQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
search: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly SearchQuery[],
) => SearchQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;
static-slice: {
asciiSummarizer: (
formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<
| {
dependencies: readonly [];
description: "Parse the given R code into an AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "parse with R shell";
name: "parse";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": {
value: any,
replacer?: (this: ..., key: ..., value: ...) => ...,
space?: string | number,
): string;
value: any,
replacer?: null | (...)[],
space?: string | number,
): string;
"5": (
__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>,
) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<string>>;
requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["parse"];
description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "normalize";
name: "normalize";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"3": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"4": (ast: NormalizedAst) => string;
"5": (
ast: NormalizedAst,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<(...)> },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>,
) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>;
requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput;
| {
dependencies: readonly ["normalize"];
description: "Construct the dataflow graph";
executed: OncePerFile;
humanReadableName: "dataflow";
name: "dataflow";
printer: {
"0": <Input>(input: Input) => Input;
"2": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"3": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"4": (df: DataflowInformation) => string;
"5": (
df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration,
) => string;
processor: (
results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<(...), (...)> },
input: { parser?: Parser<(...)>; request?: RParseRequests },
) => DataflowInformation;
requiredInput: {};
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[],
) => true;
executor: (
__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly StaticSliceQuery[],
) => StaticSliceQueryResult;
schema: ObjectSchema<any>;