ControlDependency - the collection of control dependencies which have an influence on whether the vertex is executed.
environmentThe environment in which the vertex is set.
The id of the node (the id assigned by the ParentInformation decoration). This unanimously identifies the vertex in the DataflowGraph|dataflow graph as well as the corresponding NormalizedAst|normalized AST.
indicesthis attribute links a vertex to indices (pointer links) it may be affected by or related to
tagUsed to identify and separate different types of vertices.
Marker vertex for a value in the dataflow of the program. This does not contain the value of the referenced constant as this is available with the id in the NormalizedAst|normalized AST (or more specifically the AstIdMap).
If you have a DataflowGraph|dataflow graph named
with an AstIdMap and a value vertex object with namevalue
the following Code should work:Example
This then returns the corresponding node in the NormalizedAst|normalized AST, for example, an RNumber or RString.
This works similarly for IdentifierReference|identifier references for which you can use the IdentifierReference#nodeId|
isValueVertex - to check if a vertex is a value vertex