interface RShellExecutionOptions {
    commandLineOptions: readonly string[];
    cwd: string;
    env: undefined | ProcessEnv;
    eol: string;
    homeLibPath: undefined | string;
    pathToRExecutable: string;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


UML class diagram of RShellExecutionOptions


commandLineOptions: readonly string[]

Command line options to use when starting the R session.

cwd: string

The current working directory of the R session.

env: undefined | ProcessEnv

The environment variables available in the R session.

eol: string

The character to use to mark the end of a line. Is probably always \n (even on windows).

homeLibPath: undefined | string

The path to the library directory, use undefined to let R figure that out for itself

pathToRExecutable: string

The path to the R executable, can be only the executable if it is to be found on the PATH.