Arguments required to construct a vertex which represents the definition of a variable in the DataflowGraph|dataflow graph.

isVariableDefinitionVertex - to check if a vertex is a variable definition vertex

interface DataflowGraphVertexVariableDefinition {
    cds: undefined | ControlDependency[];
    environment?: undefined;
    id: NodeId;
    indicesCollection?: ContainerIndicesCollection;
    tag: VariableDefinition;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


UML class diagram of DataflowGraphVertexVariableDefinition


cds: undefined | ControlDependency[]

ControlDependency - the collection of control dependencies which have an influence on whether the vertex is executed.

environment?: undefined

Does not require an environment, those are attached to the call

id: NodeId

The id of the node (the id assigned by the ParentInformation decoration). This unanimously identifies the vertex in the DataflowGraph|dataflow graph as well as the corresponding NormalizedAst|normalized AST.

indicesCollection?: ContainerIndicesCollection

this attribute links a vertex to indices (pointer links) it may be affected by or related to

Used to identify and separate different types of vertices.