Interface CompoundQueryFormat<SubQueryType, CommonArguments>

Virtual Query Format. Grouping query parameters of the same type (re-specified in the query field).

interface CompoundQueryFormat<
    SubQueryType extends SupportedQueryTypes,
    CommonArguments extends VirtualCompoundConstraint<SubQueryType>,
> {
    arguments: readonly (
            StrictOmit<QueryArgumentsWithType<SubQueryType>, "type">,
        > & Partial<QueryArgumentsWithType<SubQueryType>>
    commonArguments: Pick<
    query: SubQueryType;
    type: "compound";

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (View Summary)


UML class diagram of CompoundQueryFormat


arguments: readonly (
        StrictOmit<QueryArgumentsWithType<SubQueryType>, "type">,
    > & Partial<QueryArgumentsWithType<SubQueryType>>

You do not have to re-state the type, this is automatically filled with the type for 'query' Additionally all arguments given in commonArguments are now enforced optional.

defaults to use the same arguments for all queries

type: "compound"

used to select the query type :)