Options for the repl function.

interface FlowrReplOptions {
    allowRSessionAccess?: boolean;
    historyFile?: string;
    output?: ReplOutput;
    parser?: KnownParser;
    rl?: Interface;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


UML class diagram of FlowrReplOptions


allowRSessionAccess?: boolean

If true, allows the execution of arbitrary R code. This is a security risk, as it allows the execution of arbitrary R code.

historyFile?: string

The file to use for persisting the repl's history. Passing undefined causes history not to be saved.

output?: ReplOutput

Defines two methods that every function in the repl uses to output its data.

parser?: KnownParser

The shell to use, if you do not pass one it will automatically create a new one with the revive option set to 'always'.

rl?: Interface

A potentially customized readline interface to be used for the repl to read from the user, we write the output with the output interface.

  • If you want to provide a custom one but use the same completer, refer to replCompleter.
  • For the default arguments, see DEFAULT_REPL_READLINE_CONFIGURATION.