interface SubCallContextQueryFormat<
    CallName extends RegExp
    | string = RegExp | string,
    AttachLinkInfo = NoInfo,
> {
    callName: CallName;
    callNameExact?: boolean;
    callTargets?: CallTargets;
    fileFilter?: FileFilter<CallName>;
    includeAliases?: boolean;
    kind?: string;
        | LinkTo<CallName, AttachLinkInfo>
        | LinkTo<CallName, AttachLinkInfo>[];
    subkind?: string;
    type: "call-context";

Type Parameters

  • CallName extends RegExp | string = RegExp | string
  • AttachLinkInfo = NoInfo

Hierarchy (View Summary)


UML class diagram of SubCallContextQueryFormat


callName: CallName

Regex regarding the function name, please note that strings will be interpreted as regular expressions too!

callNameExact?: boolean

Should we automatically add the ^ and $ anchors to the regex to make it an exact match?

callTargets?: CallTargets

Call targets the function may have. This defaults to CallTargets#Any. Request this specifically to gain all call targets we can resolve.

fileFilter?: FileFilter<CallName>

Filter that, when set, a node's file attribute must match to be considered

includeAliases?: boolean

Consider a case like f <- function_of_interest, do you want uses of f to be included in the results?

kind?: string

kind may be a step or anything that you attach to the call, this can be used to group calls together (e.g., linking ggplot to visualize). Defaults to .

subkind?: string

subkinds are used to uniquely identify the respective call type when grouping the output (e.g., the normalized name, linking ggplot to plot). Defaults to .

type: "call-context"

used to select the query type :)