A reference which does not have a name, like the references to the arguments 3 and 2 in the following:

foo(3, 2)
  • #isPositionalArgument
  • NamedFunctionArgument
interface PositionalFunctionArgument {
    controlDependencies: undefined | ControlDependency[];
    name?: undefined;
    nodeId: NodeId;
    type: ReferenceType;



UML class diagram of PositionalFunctionArgument


controlDependencies: undefined | ControlDependency[]

If the reference is only effective, if, for example, an if-then-else condition is true, this references the root of the if. As a hacky intermediate solution (until we have pointer-analysis), an empty array may indicate a maybe which is due to pointer access (e.g., in a[x] <- 3).

name?: undefined
nodeId: NodeId

The id of the node which represents the reference in the NormalizedAst|normalized AST and the DataflowGraph|dataflow graph.

Type of the reference to be resolved