interface TestLabel {
    capabilities: ReadonlySet<SupportedFlowrCapabilityId>;
    context: Set<
        | "slice"
        | "other"
        | "dataflow"
        | "parse"
        | "search"
        | "lineage"
        | "query"
        | "output"
        | "desugar-shell"
        | "desugar-tree-sitter">;
    id: string;
    name: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


UML class diagram of TestLabel


capabilities: ReadonlySet<SupportedFlowrCapabilityId>

even if ids appear multiple times, we only want to count each one once

context: Set<
    | "slice"
    | "other"
    | "dataflow"
    | "parse"
    | "search"
    | "lineage"
    | "query"
    | "output"
    | "desugar-shell"
    | "desugar-tree-sitter">

this is automatically set (hihi) by functions like assertAst to correctly derive what part of capability we check

id: string
name: string