Arguments required to construct a vertex in the dataflow graph.

  • DataflowGraphVertexUse
  • DataflowGraphVertexVariableDefinition
  • DataflowGraphVertexFunctionDefinition
interface DataflowGraphVertexFunctionDefinition {
    controlDependencies: undefined | ControlDependency[];
    environment?: REnvironmentInformation;
    exitPoints: readonly NodeId[];
    id: NodeId;
    subflow: DataflowFunctionFlowInformation;
    tag: FunctionDefinition;

Hierarchy (view full)


UML class diagram of DataflowGraphVertexFunctionDefinition


controlDependencies: undefined | ControlDependency[]

See IdentifierReference

The environment in which the vertex is set.

exitPoints: readonly NodeId[]

All exit points of the function definitions. In other words: last expressions/return calls

id: NodeId

The id of the node (the id assigned by the ParentInformation decoration)

The static subflow of the function definition, constructed within processFunctionDefinition. If the vertex is (for example) a function, it can have a subgraph which is used as a template for each call. This is the body of the function.

Used to identify and separate different types of vertices.