Variable LineageQueryDefinitionConst
LineageQueryDefinition: { asciiSummarizer: ((formatter: OutputFormatter,
_processed: PipelineOutput<Pipeline<{ dependencies: readonly []; description: "Parse the given R code into an AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "parse with R shell"; name: "parse"; printer: { 0: (<Input>(input: Input) => Input); 2: { (value: any,
replacer?: ((this: any,
key: string,
value: any) => any),
space?: string | number): string; (value: any,
replacer?: null | ((...
) | (...
space?: string | number): string; }; 5: ((__namedParameters: ParseStepOutput<string>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration) => string); }; processor: ((_results: unknown,
input: Partial<ParseRequiredInput<string>>) => Promise<ParseStepOutput<T>>); requiredInput: ParseRequiredInput<string>; } | { dependencies: readonly ["parse"]; description: "Normalize the AST to flowR's AST"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "normalize"; name: "normalize"; printer: { 0: (<Input>(input: Input) => Input); 2: ((ast: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>) => string); 3: ((ast: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>) => string); 4: ((ast: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>) => string); 5: ((ast: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration) => string); }; processor: ((results: { parse?: ParseStepOutput<string>; },
input: Partial<NormalizeRequiredInput>) => NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<ParentInformation>>); requiredInput: NormalizeRequiredInput; } | { dependencies: readonly ["normalize"]; description: "Construct the dataflow graph"; executed: OncePerFile; humanReadableName: "dataflow"; name: "dataflow"; printer: { 0: (<Input>(input: Input) => Input); 2: ((df: DataflowInformation) => string); 3: ((df: DataflowInformation) => string); 4: ((df: DataflowInformation) => string); 5: ((df: DataflowInformation,
config: QuadSerializationConfiguration) => string); }; processor: ((results: { normalize?: NormalizedAst<ParentInformation, RNode<(...
)>>; },
input: { parser?: Parser<KnownParserType>; request?: RParseRequests; }) => DataflowInformation); requiredInput: {}; }>>,
queryResults: BaseQueryResult,
result: string[]) => true); executor: ((__namedParameters: BasicQueryData,
queries: readonly LineageQuery[]) => LineageQueryResult); schema: ObjectSchema<any>; } = ...