interface DataflowTestConfiguration {
    expectedOutput: string | RegExp;
    expectIsSubgraph: boolean;
    minRVersion: undefined | string;
    needsNetworkConnection: boolean;
    needsXmlParseData: boolean;
    resolveIdsAsCriterion: boolean;
    trimOutput: boolean;
    [key: string]: unknown;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • [key: string]: unknown


UML class diagram of DataflowTestConfiguration


expectedOutput: string | RegExp

HANDLE WITH UTTER CARE! Will run in an R-Shell on the host system!

expectIsSubgraph: boolean

Specify just a subset of what the dataflow graph will actually be.

minRVersion: undefined | string

the (inclusive) minimum version of R required to run this test, e.g., MIN_VERSION_PIPE

needsNetworkConnection: boolean
needsXmlParseData: boolean
resolveIdsAsCriterion: boolean

This changes the way the test treats the NodeIds in your expected graph. Before running the verification, the test environment will transform the graph, resolving all Ids as if they are slicing criteria. In other words, you can use the criteria 12@a which will be resolved to the corresponding id before comparing. Please be aware that this is currently a work in progress.

trimOutput: boolean